Speaksmith | About Us
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We help our clients to stand out from the crowd and illuminate, inspire and show their clients they have the one thing that really matters in business today; Integrity.



Speaksmith are based in London and work internationally; from the US, throughout Europe, Russia and the CIS. Our coaches are all seasoned professionals in their communication fields from key sectors including Finance, PR, Media, Property and IT.



Each speaksmith brings their own skills, experience and intuition to their craft, learned from the most up-to-date consultative sales techniques, psychological methods and cutting-edge CRM systems through to the fathers of thought, speech and rhetoric; Aristotle, Demosthenes, Cicero. Our backgrounds are different but we bring to the client only what will help them to excel.



From blue-chip, FTSE 100 and Nasdaq giants to start-ups at the bleeding edge of technology all of our clients understand the value of expertly crafted and brilliantly delivered communications. Each of them brings us a new challenge, a new opportunity but most importantly, a new person we can help to make a difference.



Each speaksmith is a master of the theory and the practice of their field but chosen because of their talent for instilling a belief in their clients that they can always improve through practice. It is this ability to inspire their clients that make them a speaksmith.

Keir Hall

Keir has helped people to craft and deliver their message, inspiring their audiences from Kensington to Kazakhstan to believe in a brand, product or a vision. He is a veteran of the conference circuit and an Ashridge accredited executive coach, He is driven by his passionately held belief that we can all be great communicators. He coaches, facilitates, mentors and trains individuals and groups for meetings, pitches, presentations and speeches. He has spent 20 years learning from, facilitating and leading conversations with individuals, groups and live audiences of thousands.

Emilie Thysse

Emilie is a Henley Business School accredited executive coach and highly experienced group workshop facilitator specialising in sales training, alongside leadership development solutions, to enable companies to optimise their customer experience and wider business performance. With over 15 years of experience working in some of the most competitive sales environments in London, Emilie knows first-hand what it takes to be successful as a front-line sales person, a manager and an area and management board director.


Talk to us to discuss your training needs