Speaksmith | Coaching
1-2-1 and executive coaching to improve confidence and delivery for presenting and managerial crisis
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You’re already a master in your career, but is that the way you are perceived?

At certain points in your career you have to take a big stride out from the crowd to be counted; more often than not it takes the form of a presentation or a speech, and it defines you.

Whether you are presenting to colleagues, clients, venture capitalists or conference audiences you can make a significant change to the way you, your company, your products and services are perceived and valued.

Your coach will help you to understand your individual strengths and weaknesses, give you the skills you really need to design your arguments and deliver with conviction; the aim will always be to enable you to demonstrate your vision and in a style that is natural and reflective of you.

The skills and confidence you gain will help you master any stage from auditoriums to meetings, to the way you communicate over the phone or a cup of coffee.


What now?

Strategic thinking is fundamental to your leadership but it is often compromised by the day-to-day demands of the business. Being able to reflect on your own and your teams performance and developing a vision for how to effect change takes a toll and that’s where we can help.

Your Speaksmith coach can help you to:

  • Reflect on your own performance and leadership style
  • Assess the qualities and performance and roles of the individual team members
  • Consider both the demands of the business and what affects the decisions you make
  • Plan for change and schedule your initiatives
  • Prepare for conversations with key stakeholders and reports during periods of critical change.

Our first concern is to make sure you find a coach who offers an appropriate level of challenge and, where necessary, a level if industry experience to match your needs.

Contact us now to see if we have a Speaksmith coach who is right for you.



Talk to us to discuss your training needs